From 13 to 15 November, ERTICO and ADASIS AISBL coordinator Jean-Charles Pandazis presented ADASIS and highlights of its new specification v3 as part of the Dynamic Map session at the 5th SIP-adus Workshop organised by the Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program of the Japanese government. The activity from another ERTICO platform, TN-ITS, was presented, providing trusted map data from road authorities to map makers and other parties, which is also relevant to automated driving.

This annual workshop dedicated to innovation in Automated Driving for Universal Services brought together about 516 participants from 17 countries and regions including 145 top experts. After the two first days of the conference, a one day workshop attended entirely by experts took place on each of the six proposed topic. Dynamic Map included ADASIS, SENSORIS, TISA and NDS updates discussed with the Japanese experts who presented their activities related to FOT projects and the validation of High Definition Digital Map in Japan. This event was also important to strengthen the collaboration within the OADF (Open Auto Drive Forum) to which the SIP-adus is now also linked.

The Japanese government decided to have a second phase of SIP-adus framework starting 2019 until 2022. The next workshop is therefore already scheduled for November 12-14, 2019.